Introduction to Eligibility Programs CalSAWS and Troubleshooting EDBC
This training for new hires introduces employees to the Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS), which manages and delivers various welfare and social services programs across California. Participants will receive a comprehensive overview of the system’s functionality, including data entry, case management and reporting tools. They will gain hands-on experience with the system, learning to navigate its interface and utilize its features to process and manage client information efficiently.
In this course, participants will:
- Learn how to manage and track cases, including processing applications, generating reports and handling case changes
- Understand the compliance requirements and regulations
- Develop troubleshooting skills to address common issues that may arise while using CALSAWS
- Gain skills for effectively interacting with clients, including addressing inquiries and resolving case issues
Section Notes
The enrollment fee for this 1-day class is $255.00 per participant or .06 training units for those utilizing their county contract. This fee includes quality instruction from subject-matter expert(s), research-based curricula and all digital course materials.
Training Format: This program will be offered via remote learning using Zoom. Login information will be provided after your enrollment is processed.
Enrollment Policies
Enrollment closes on April 15, 2025.
Those paying by check or with credit card, please have payment to us no later than two weeks prior to start of class.
To be officially dropped from the class, please notify us at least 10 business days prior to the training start date to drop a class and cancel the billing, or request a refund of fees paid, less a $30 processing fee (no exceptions). If you have questions, please contact us at (530) 757-8538 or at
Substitutions can be done with a 48-hour minimum notice prior to the training start date. A 48-hour notice is needed to get all updated information processed.