CA FFPS Learning Series: Shifting Mindset toward Prevention

Prerequisite: Completion of FFPS Overview is required prior to attending this training.

The California Family First Prevention Services learning series prepares child welfare, juvenile probation, county, and community partner agency staff for the statewide implementation of Family First Prevention Services (FFPS), which marks an exciting shift to supporting children and families by promoting safety and well-being through prevention efforts.

This engaging and interactive session within the FFPS series explores the core frameworks that support the shift to a prevention mindset to strengthen families.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe and endorse the concept of “moving upstream” in the context of supporting families.
  • Identify at least one strategy to prevent child abuse and neglect by promoting the health and well-being of families within each level of prevention services.
  • Identify at least one strategy to prevent child abuse and neglect by promoting the health and well-being of families within each level of prevention services.
  • Recall the five primary protective factors and the five domains of social determinants of health.
  • Summarize California’s vision of prevention set forth through Family First Prevention Services.
  • Analyze the shift in mindset that is required on an individual, organizational, and community collaboration levels to support a prevention framework, and how this applies to their role.
  • Subscribe to cross-system collaboration as an essential element of effective prevention work.   
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class