Instructor Spotlight: Tiffany Salcido
Tiffany Salcido has more than 15 years of experience in the field of human services and social services programs. Passionate about empowering others, her experience spans various roles and programs, including clerical/reception, CalWORKs, CalFresh, Medi-Cal, Foster Care, Aid to Adoptions, Kin-GAP, CAPI, Linkages, and Welfare to Work. Salcido has also served as a staff development trainer, providing induction training and continuing education for eligibility, the C-IV automated system, and Welfare to Work programs. She has been involved in policy development and change management and has facilitated training opportunities related to this topic. She is a certified instructor for World Class Relationships for Work and Home.
Salcido developed curriculum and provided instruction for the Independent Living Program, designed for foster youth 16-24 years of age. She also developed several Learning Outline Checklists (LOCs) found in our Human Services resource library. Notably, Salcido has been instrumental in redeveloping our Analyst Series which begins in August.
"The trainer was down to earth and easy to understand. Her genuine personality is much appreciated. Tiffany is awesome!" – June 2018 Analyst Series Participant
Thank you, Tiffany, for all of your hard work, dedication, and your passion for empowering California's children and families!