Youth in Placement: Safety, Services and Supervision

With the passage of SB 575, probation officers with youth in out-of-home placements became responsible for the provision of services required by the Federal Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997.  The requirements address community and youth safety in placement, services designed to meet assessed youth and family needs and supported by a case plan and supervision of the youth, the placement, and adherence to legal review requirements for permanency. 

Topics include:

  • Legal foundations for probation officer responsibilities
  • Assessment of youth and family needs
  • Essential elements of case plans
  • Dynamic nature of case planning
  • Developing and documenting case plans with youth, family and substitute caregivers
  • Services than meet needs
  • Placement decisions
  • Ensuring the provision and efficacy of services
  • Making required face-to-face contacts effective
  • Assessment of placement safety
  • Legal requirements and findings
  • Reasonable efforts

Participants will be prepared to meet the mandated requirements for youth in out-of-home placement.

Course Code