Webinar 24 - May 2023: A Trauma Informed Approach to Meet the Needs of Adolescent Males Who Engage in Violent and Perpetrating Behaviors

Link to Webinar recording: Watch here

Link to Powerpoint presentation: View here

There is a wealth of research supporting that males’ perpetration of violence and aggression, including men’s violence against women, is greatly associated with their own experience of trauma, especially childhood trauma. In addition to the manifestation of violent behaviors, there is an increased likelihood of harmful behaviors such as substance misuse, depression and suicidal ideation linked to unresolved trauma and societal expectations of masculinity. Trauma responses among men and boys are far reaching and often connected to destructive implications that not only affect them on the individual level but, as an extension, significantly impacts their interpersonal and community relationships. These issues are further exacerbated at the intersection of race. Despite this knowledge, in the helping profession, we often criminalize the behaviors males exhibit during their childhood and adolescence which can directly contribute to a life of significant harm to self and others.

This training is designed to help participants transform the lens in which they view men and boys who have engaged harmful behaviors. The intent of the transformation is to serve as a mechanism for developing pathways of redemption and healing for those who are otherwise left in the margins.


Stefania M. Agliano, E.D., LM.S.W., received her doctorate from Northeastern University researching the impact of identity on facilitator efficacy, providing anti-trafficking and gender-based violence prevention education with adolescent males. Agliano is currently a clinical assistant professor in the School of Social Work graduate program at Sacred Heart University. She previously worked in child welfare services and child protection for over 25 years.  Agliano is co-founder of I AM Training and Consultation Group LLC and has been a contributing member of efforts to eradicate trafficking inclusive of the development of various training curriculum, training hundreds of child welfare staff, law enforcement officers, probation officers and community providers on the local and national level using an anti-oppression practice lens. 

Bryan Hall II, LCSW, M.S.W., received his graduate degree from University of Connecticut School of Social Work and has worked in child welfare, adult probation services and law enforcement for nearly 20 years. Hall is currently a clinical assistant professor at the Sacred Heart University School of Social Work. His clinical background consists of treating adolescents with persistent legal issues and/or mental health disorders.  Hall is the co-founder of I AM Training and Consultation Group LLC.  He has been instrumental in the development and facilitation of anti-racism and prevention programming aimed at educating participants on various topics inclusive of sexual exploitation and addressing youth violence designed for adolescents and associated practitioners.

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