Link to the Webinar recording: Watch Here
Link to the Handout: PowerPoint
The focus of the conversation is on the difference between the kinds of the adaptive work that’s necessary at this stage of where we are in system reforms versus the attempt to import technical solutions into really complex problems that often get overwhelmed by the history of the system that was designed to do something different than what family finding is designed to do. Furthermore, shares some understanding of history regarding how those changes have led or not led to the kind of systematic change that’s necessary and frames some questions to think about as one attempts reforms within their systems. The presenter gives some ideas about the potential directions that one can go on.
Bob Friend is a licensed clinical social worker and he’s the director of the National Institute for Permanent Family Connectedness at Seneca Family of Agencies. Bob is a member of the California Child Welfare Council and co-chairs its permanency committee. He has previously co-chaired or participated in several statewide initiatives that promoted system change, permanency for young people, and greater access and inclusion for families and connections. Bob trains, coaches, and consults nationally to positively impact individuals, agencies, and systems efforts that promote belonging and connectedness for children and youth in child welfare to affirming, loving, and caring adults. Bob has a master’s degree in social welfare from the University of California and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Rutgers University. He has worked in public and private child welfare for the past 40 years.