Link to Webinar recording: watch Here
Link to Handout: PowerPoint
This webinar talks about grief and loss. It dives into Maslow's hierarchy of needs, ALS and the 6 stages of loss, human attachments, and adaptations. It also discussed the trust- mistrust leading to anxiety, disorganized attachments from fright & flight mode, avoidant behaviors, and what creates a sense of security among humans.
Dr. Wyss holds a doctorate in expressive therapies from Lesley University and is the coauthor of The Invisible String Workbook. Dr. Wyss specializes in clinical supervision, training, and treatment of complex developmental trauma. Dr. Wyss is a national trainer for ARC (attachment, regulation, competency) with the Center for Trauma Training and state-wide trainer to raise awareness of commercial sexual exploitation. In her free time she loves to create art, spend time with family, play with her Beagle puppy and travel.