Link to Recording: Watch Here
Link to Presentation: View Here
This webinar will take a deeper dive into the California Wraparound Standards related to workforce development, coaching and supervision. We will also discuss minimum and best practice guidelines for offering training, supervision and coaching to Wraparound staff, as well as providing examples of how organizations can structure their workforce development efforts for success. In doing so, we will also touch base into leadership and adult learning theories that provide the why behind the time and effort in implementing the higher levels of workforce support that makes high fidelity Wraparound Implementation successful.
Rebekah Cox is a Wraparound trainer and consultant. She has a master's degree in Counseling Psychology and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies. Cox has been a family specialist, facilitator, clinician, supervisor, trainer and coach. She has been an active member of the California Wraparound Community over the last 10 years, including being a member of the California Wraparound Advisory Committee-Core Steering Committee, co-chair of the Fidelity, Data and Outcomes Workgroup and co-chair of the Southern California Wraparound Hub.
Jarred Vermillion has worked with families and communities in the social services field for over two decades. During his TED Talk in 2018, he discusses his journey of surviving trauma as he navigated across care systems as a young man and how he earned his bachelor's in psychology from San Diego State University. Vermillion has worked as a consultant at Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice at UC Davis Human Services for almost a decade. The California Department of Social Services and San Diego Children's Systems of Care have recognized his dedication with awards for his commitment and leadership in supporting disadvantaged communities.
Tom Cella has been part of the Wraparound community since 1997. He has worked in Santa Clara County in multiple capacities and has a passion for working with Justice-related youth and families. He worked as a Facilitator and Program Manager for UPLIFT before becoming the Director of Teammates Wraparound and built the program in Santa Clara to gain a reputation for work with Probation and CSEC youth. Tom has worked closely with his County partners and other CBO's to improve collaboration and support of the County's youth and families. Tom has also acted as a member of the Wraparound Advisory Council's Steering Committee as they worked to improve wraparound fidelity across the state.