Training for Trainers: Integrating CANS into CFTMs and Case Plans

California’s regional training academies (RTAs) are now recruiting trainers for the new 2-Day Integrating CANS into Child and Family Team Meetings and Case Plans training! To become eligible to teach this class, trainers must attend an upcoming Training for Trainers (TFT) or, alternatively, co-train the course with an experienced trainer. Additional requirements are listed below.

This 2-day, advanced-level course provides a framework and structured approach for integrating the Child and Adolescent Need and Strengths (CANS) into Child and Family Team (CFT) meetings and case plans for children, youth and families involved in the child welfare system. Using a combination of videos and practice exercises, this class will address preparing the family, discussing the CANS in the CFT meeting, how to “implicitly” rate CANS items based on needs and strengths discussed, and how to review draft CANS ratings with CFT members during meetings. In addition, participants will learn how to translate the needs of children, youth and families into target needs to be addressed in the case plan and how to build behaviorally-based case plan objectives based on CANS target needs and strengths that can support planning.

This training incorporates several important legislative and practice changes related to CFTs including updates in regard to ICWA, STRTP placements and the Qualified Individual, and ensuring that CFT practices protect the privacy and confidentiality rights of participants per AB 1068.

Trainers must receive approval from their RTA to enroll in the TFT, and must meet the following three criteria to be selected as a trainer of this class:

  1. CANS knowledge and experience as demonstrated by the completion of one of the following:
    • Option 1: The CANS: Overview, Case Planning and Preparation (Module B, Days 1 & 2)
    • Option 2: Using the CANS in the California Integrated Core Practice Model (former one-day CANS overview course previously offered from October 2018 to November 2019), plus The CANS: Review and Case Planning (Module D)
    • Option 3: Current or previous IP-CANS user certification through Praed Foundation
  2. Knowledge and experience with Family Team Meetings as demonstrated by meeting one of the following criteria:
    • Option 1: Current/prior TDM Facilitator
    • Option 2: Current/prior CFT Facilitator
    • Option 3: Current/prior Wraparound Facilitator
    • Option 4: Practice Coach with experiencing facilitating mapping with social workers and/or families
  3. Have attended, observed or co-trained this training OR attended a Trainer for Trainers for this curriculum.
Course Code