Staff Development T4T – Module 1 – Connect with RESPECT – Adult Learning Theory and Practice

This 6-day Training Series has been developed with the intent to impact and engage a wide range of participants seeking to develop their training skills and expertise. The instructors and series sessions will model a diverse array of outcome-oriented, adult learner-centered methodologies and effective training practices – all of which connect to transfer of learning opportunities.
MODULE 1: Connect with RESPECT: Adult Learning Theory & Practice
The series is introduced through this workshop, which allows participants to experience connecting with R.E.S.P.E.C.T --honoring the principles of motivating adult learners to partner with the trainer in mastering and applying course content. Focus also includes linking the policies, procedures, and practices you are training to reach the ultimate desired outcomes: safe, healthy, self-sufficient families and communities.
Participants will also learn how to help their trainees reconnect with the overall objectives when they are learning how to perform these tasks- even when the trainees may be feeling “cognitive overload.” Connect with RESPECT also incorporates employing respectful engagement methodologies and respecting diverse learning style preferences as well as trainee levels of expertise- which in turn assist the Trainer with being less likely to face resistance or challenging trainee behaviors.

Topics Include:
• Examining the Role of Training in an Organization
• Differentiating Between the Goals & Methodologies of the Presenter, Trainer, Facilitator
• Exploring Strategies for Training Adults in the Workplace that Increase Participation and Reduce Resistance
• Discussing the Benefits and Challenges of Adapting Training Methods to Engage Diverse Learning Style Preferences, Communication Styles, Cultures, & Levels of Expertise
• Exploring Whole Brain & Body Engagement Training Designed to
Enhance Transfer of Learning & Training
Course Code