SOP Training for Trainers - An SOP Refresher with Sue Lohrbach

The Academy is offering this special opportunity to work with Sue Lohrbach in order to refresh your working knowledge of SOP and all of its components. In the past seven years, we have made great progress on the journey of implementing SOP into child welfare practice:

  • Twenty-nine Northern California child welfare agencies are currently implementing the practice of SOP. 
  • Eight of the nine IV-E Waiver counties are focusing their work over the next five years on SOP for child welfare and Wraparound for probation.
  • Core 3.0 now integrates SOP into core training.

Topics include:

  • Safety Organized Practice
  • Red Teams
  • Group Supervision
  • Consultation and Information Sharing Framework

The Northern California Training Academy wants to ensure that all trainers and coaches are prepared and knowledgeable about Safety Organized Practice and the strategies for working with families.

Course Code