SOP Skills Lab: Harm and Danger Statements and Safety Goals

SOP Skills Lab: Harm and Danger Statements and Safety Goals

Safety Organized Practice (SOP) skills labs are hands-on training opportunities to practice applying key elements of SOP to real-life child welfare referrals and cases in your county.


NOTE: If harm and danger statements and safety goals have been developed for any of your referrals or cases, please bring two or three examples of these with you.


This SOP skills lab provides focused skill-building in developing SOP harm and danger statements and safety goals. True SOP harm and danger statements and safety goals must be created collaboratively with the family and their network; however, it is important that social workers have a solid foundation in understanding the format of these tools, how to sort harm and danger from complicating factors, and how to create behaviorally-based safety goals.


This class will provide a brief refresher on the purpose, format and process of creating harm and danger statements and safety goals, followed by group practice in developing them for real referrals or cases from your county, plus the chance for each participant to practice creating these elements for their own referrals or cases. Come prepared to participate in a workshop format using your own referrals or cases. If you have existing harm statements, danger statements and/or safety goals on your referrals or cases (whether or not you were the social worker who created them), bring a few examples of these to the training. If you have referrals or cases that do not have these elements developed, come prepared to discuss the details of the referral or case with regard to the reason for child welfare involvement.

Course Code