RED (Review, Evaluate and Direct) team is a group decision-making strategy to respond proportionally to allegations of maltreatment within a differential response system. It is informed by a consultation and information sharing framework that includes harm/danger, risk statements, complicating factors, safety, strengths/protective factors, the purpose/focus of consultation and, ultimately, next steps. The members of the RED team are charged with reviewingevaluating and directing (RED) all cases that have been accepted through intake screening.

After participating in this training, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize the strong benefits to maintaining a county RED team
  • Understand the shift from a single social worker or supervisor making a decision to the whole agency
  • Increase critical decision making skills during the intake process
  • Understand the implementation process for RED teams
  • Begin implementation of RED teams in their jurisdiction

The RED team provides both structure and process in review of alleged reports of child maltreatment, evaluation of the available information, and direction regarding the agency response.

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