The Magic Mirror

Most social service agencies use SMEs (subject matter experts) as “trainers” – sometimes (ironically) without providing training in the art and skills of training. Many therefore fall back on their public school or university lecture hall experience as the model for delivery. This does not always play so well with busy Adult Learners and can negatively impact the level of transfer from the workshop to the workplace.

To improve, every trainer needs and deserves to know how others are seeing them when they stand to deliver. This session will provide a technique for personal and professional reflection – a way for looking in the "Magic Mirror."

By the end if the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • List delivery strengths demonstrated during the course that they choose to adopt, adapt & enhance
  • Practice delivering course content, with feedback
  • Practice delivering constructive feedback to peers regarding delivery styles and behaviors
  • Believe that “we are all a work in progress” and can benefit from honest self-assessment, practice, and constructive feedback
Course Code