Level of Care Protocol

The LOCP was developed for use by county child welfare and probation staff as a strengths-based approach for determining Board and Care rates. The protocol matches the individual care and supervision needs of foster children with a resource parents' level of support. The Home-Based Family Care rate (Board and Care Rate), including if applicable, an Intensive Services Foster Care rate is paid to a resource parent to support a foster child's placement in a family setting.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the five domains on the LOC Matrix and when to apply the rate using the static criteria
  • Complete the Level of Care Matrix and demonstrate use during class activities
  • Identify the available materials and resources to use in the completion of the LOC Matrix
  • Given the materials provided, create a plan for the delivery of a training to agency or other county staff on the intent, completion and scoring of the LOC and consider implications of county specific practice
Course Code
Title Start Date End Date Enrollment
Level of Care Protocol Mar 19 Mar 19 Enroll Now