Level of Care Matrix Training for Trainers

A new rate structure for Home-Based Foster Care (HBFC) was necessitated with the passage of the Continuum of Care Reform (CCR). In response, a Level of Care (LOC) Protocol has been developed for use by county child welfare and probation placement workers. A LOC matrix using five domains (Physical, Behavioral/Emotional, Health, Educational and Permanency/Family Services Domain), separately scored, and designed to promote best practices in meeting the individual needs of children/youth in the foster care system. The LOC matrix allows staff to use a strengths-based approach using current resources to identifying the individual needs of foster children and matching those needs to a (HBFC) rate, including if applicable, an Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) rate, to support a placement in a family setting. This is a move away from rates determined based on the age of the child/youth.

The participants for this Training for Trainers will receive materials to support their county in implementation of the Level of Care Matrix These resources will include a PowerPoint presentation, trainer notes, vignettes and activities for practice, resources and a review of the considerations counties may want to make when implementing this tool.

Upon completion of the Training for Trainers, participants will be able to
  • Describe the five domains on the LOC Matrix and know when to apply the rate using the static criteria
  • Complete the Level of Care Matrix and demonstrate use during class activities
  • Identify the available materials and resources to use in the completion of the LOC Matrix
  • Given the materials provided, create a plan for the delivery of a training to agency or other county staff on the intent, completion and scoring of the LOC and consider implications of county specific practice.
Course Code