Heart of Social Work

Advanced Training at the Heart of Social Work

This advanced-level course for child welfare social workers and supervisors provides a framework and structured approach for listening to our heart, mind and gut as a human being–and integrating that information into our role–to provide unbiased and fair decision making that will benefit the children and families we serve.

After attending this training, participants will have increased capacity to:

  • Engage in compassionate child welfare practice while listening to their own internal cues to guide next steps.
  • Understand how cultural humility aligns with compassionate child welfare practice and builds relationships and trust for better outcomes.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use their heart, mind and gut, along with evidence-based practices of SOP, SDM and CANS and Case Planning to support families.
  • Articulate their concerns for the family, case and themselves to best meet the needs of all involved.
  • Value self-reflection, self-awareness and the voice of the child and family in all aspects of investigation and case management.
  • Value the need for informed, skilled, and culturally competent engagement at all stages of child welfare practice.

Who should attend?

This curriculum is best suited for social workers and supervisors who engage in critical case decisions for children and their families and have experience with assessing safety and risk, case planning and consultation.

ICPM Practice Behavior: Teaming.

Course Code