Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Overview & Tribal Engagement in Teaming Best Practices

In this 3-hour course, participants will learn about the historical trauma faced by Native American people in the U.S., how this history continues to impact Native American children and families, and how the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was passed as a remedial act intended to address this historical trauma. This class will provide Wraparound practitioners with information about ICWA; tying in tribal engagement in teaming strategies and best practices. Further, this course will tie in tribal engagement in teaming strategies and best practices.

By the end of the course, successful participants will be able to:

  • Describe the historical basis and purpose of the Indian Child Welfare Act
  • Recognize the historical trauma experienced by Indian/Native American people and the associated distrust and implications for helping relationships, particularly engagement with Indian/Native American families
  • Recognize the concept of tribal sovereignty and the relationship between tribal government and the U.S. government
  • Recognize the minimum federal standards of ICWA
  • Recognize the necessity and benefits of culturally responsive, participatory, joint case planning with Native American families and tribal representatives, including teaming and engagement best practices for children, youth and non-minor dependent youth

Participants will build knowledge and skill in application of the various provisions of the ICWA within the context of the tribal engagement and teaming processes.


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