Implicit Bias and Microaggression Impacts in Human Services

Implicit bias refers to attitudes or stereotypes that unconsciously affect our actions and understanding. Simply having a human brain means that we have bias and make assumptions about others, and research suggests that people can act on the basis of prejudice and stereotypes without intending to do so. Implicit bias can lead to microaggressions, which are subtle, indirect or unintentional acts of exclusion. Microaggressions may be a direct insult or an errant comment or gesture; either way, they cause harm.

As human services professionals, it is vital that we have an awareness of how implicit bias can show up for the HSA service provider in an effort to mitigate the impact of these biases on the children, youth, families and adults we serve. This training will provide effective approaches to overcome them to increase the success of our work as helping professionals. This session will help participants recognize how their unconscious biases may adversely influence their delivery of services to diverse customer populations. Participants will also learn communication techniques and develop conciliatory and mediation engagement skills in order to ensure consistent and equitable provider and customer inclusion and belonging.

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