Engaging Fathers in the Child Welfare System

Federal and State law and policy require that the Dependency and Delinquency Courts, Child Welfare Agencies and Probation inquire about, locate and involve fathers. These laws outline additional mandates to locate and involve father’s relatives. However, research continues to show that fathers are often excluded in court hearings, case planning activities, placement opportunitie and in reunification efforts. Paternal relatives tend to be excluded as well. Research also continues to show that when fathers are involved, children and youth have much better outcomes, including positive overall safety, permanency and well-being outcomes.

Participants will:

  • Examine the federal and state laws that protect fathers' due process rights
  • Describe strategies to identify, locate and meaningfully engage fathers
  • Create a strength-based process that embraces fathers around information gathering and case planning
  • Interpret how personal biases will impact the ability to effectively involve fathers
  • Gain strategies to approach and engage fathers to build a more trusting working relationship which benefits both the father and his child(ren)
  • Assess current agency practice in inviting and welcoming fathers and his relatives
  • Value the importance of maintaining and supporting relationships between children and their fathers and his relatives
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