Cultural Competency: Working with Youth and Families

Culture, religion, age, socio-economic status and sexual orientation all have significant and powerful effects on how we experience our world. Understanding how these personal beliefs and experiences can impact our work with youth and families is central to effective engagement and collaboration.

As a result of this training, participants will be able to:

  • identify the need and value for cultural humility in juvenile justice intervention and prevention,
  • identify and use culturally sensitive interventions, 
  • recognize and value differences when working with youth and families, 
  • recognize personal experiences that shape the way a youth or family is viewed, and
  • understand, communicate  and effectively interact with people from varying cultures.

Cultural competency involves gaining knowledge of different practices, beliefs and views and developing skills for cross-cultural communication and interaction. In addition, it enables professionals from various agencies to work effectively together across cultural  systems to achieve positive outcomes.

Course Code