CDSS: Neuroscience of Engagement, Connection and ICPM Practice Behaviors

The brain and nervous system have a built-in protection mechanism to manage dangerous situations. Psychological safety and connection underpin the neurobiology of the social engagement system, which is foundational to helping people rewire the nervous system for safety so they can connect with others to create a life they prefer. This 2-day interactive workshop draws on breakthroughs to provide cutting-edge discoveries related to the neurobiology of psychological
safety, human development, and the facilitation of healing. The hard science that underlies the ICPM will be explored, along with fresh insights and strategies related to implementing the model at both the organizational and practice levels within a child and family serving system of care.

After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe a state of protection in the nervous system and how this impacts engagement, connection, and healing

  • Evaluate the impacts of trauma from a brain-mind-body perspective

  • Apply a brain-based framework for moving people from a state of protection to connection and growth

  • Examine learning and change from a neurosomatic and growth mindset approach

  • Apply science-backed strategies that support fidelity to the ICPM

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