Anti-Racist Practice: Implicit Bias Course for Wraparound

Implicit Bias refers to attitudes or stereotypes that unconsciously influence our actions and perceptions. It can manifest as microaggressions, which are subtle, indirect or even unintentional acts of exclusion or discrimination that nevertheless cause harm. As Wraparound Professionals, understanding and addressing these biases is crucial to providing equitable support to children, youth, families and adults. This training invites participants to explore their own biases and equips them with effective strategies to mitigate bias in their work.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define implicit biases and racial microaggressions and examine who they impact. 
  • Build awareness of implicit biases and racial microaggressions in order to take meaningful steps to overcome them.
  • Understand and define micro-resistance.
  • Improve practices to minimize the impact of bias in our work as helping professionals. 
Course Code