This comprehensive, two-part professional development series will empower your agency’s analysts to provide support and value by solving the right problems, thinking innovatively and responding confidently to the challenges along the way. In the first series, participants will gain the communication skills, data analysis techniques and problem-solving skills required to leverage their knowledge to effectively analyze and document their findings.
Module 1: Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills
Two Full Days
In a complex and multifaceted work environment, critical thinking skills are essential in effective decision-making. Astute decisions are based on sound reasoning and careful exploration of alternative perspectives. This workshop is intended for staff whose work requires examining a broad range of diverse issues, developing and understanding multiple perspectives and proposing solutions.
Participants will:
- Understand the language and concepts associated with critical thinking
- Evaluate the reasoning in an argument and determine its validity
- Learn to make complex decisions efficiently and effectively
- Learn to take a multi-perspective view for better decisions
- Use creative thinking techniques to increase viable solutions
- Develop, evaluate and utilize criteria for judging alternatives
- Develop process to present recommendations to management
Module 2: Communication Skills in the Workplace
Full Day
This workshop is intended to help analysts and Core Specialists hone their communication skills so they may become more effective in communicating both up and down the chain of command, both orally and in writing.
Participants will:
- Understand the types of communication
- Understand the impact of non-verbal communication
- Explore components of effective/active listening
- Practice effective communications and self-expression
- Utilize tips for enhancing communications
- Learn basic concepts of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Evaluate and sharpen negotiation skills
Module 3: Professionalism in the Workplace
Full Day
This workshop is designed to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of appropriate workplace behaviors and the identification and effective use of “soft skills” at work. It provides a balance of lecture and discussion with an opportunity to practice proper workplace behaviors through simulation training.
Participants will:
- Identify behaviors that may support or undermine the organization
- Recognize behaviors that contribute to professionalism
- Identify employer expectations regarding job performance and attitudes
- Define one’s role and responsibility in a given context
- Display a positive attitude and a professional image
- Participate in fostering a productive workplace environment
- Seek and use feedback on personal performance and effectiveness
Module 4: Beyond Policy and Procedure: Demystifying the ACL
Two Full Days
In today’s environment, the flow of incoming All County Letters (ACLs), All County Information Notices (ACINs), County Fiscal Letters (CFLs) and other policy documents is steady and, at times, overwhelming. It seems there is barely time to read and understand them, let alone find the hidden potential that lies within. Having a system for reading, reviewing and interpreting these documents and, then, turning them into concise instruction for all affected parties in your organization can prove invaluable. This course will provide participants with the opportunity to explore and practice a process for systematic review of state letters (and other policy documents). This will unlock their secrets and result in thorough and well-planned implementations.
Participants will:
- Understand political implications; implications to customers, community and clients; and the impact on business processes hidden within the documents
- Understand not only what is written, but the potential to improve processes while implementing changes
- Learn to use and apply a step-by-step process for thorough analysis
- Identify all relevant components of changes/new policy
- Understand overall needs of the organization
- Identify when policy is set and when it needs to be defined
- Understand political ramifications
- Understand the needs of intended audiences
- Develop a plan for recommendations or implementation