This course introduces a range of instructional assessment and evaluation tools a trainer can employ to check for understanding during a course, and ways to “test” for Kirkpatrick’s Level II Evaluation. Members of the Staff Development team will come to consensus on best practices related to assessing and documenting participant progress. The benefits and legal implications of employing open-book versus closed-book evaluations, writing “good and fair” assessment items, getting beyond the “gotcha” evaluation mode will be weighed. Additionally, trainers will explore strategies for helping learners overcome “test” anxiety and be open to corrective feedback regarding their knowledge level and performance.
Topics Include:
Topics Include:
- Establishing and maintaining a positive learning environment where evaluation feels instructive and constructive.
- Reviewing terminology, types, models and levels of evaluation.
- Naming two purposes for evaluating training.
- Exploring the value of designing evaluations that are both “good” and “fair”.
- Discussing the pros and cons of open versus closed book evaluations.
- Experiencing the impact of employing a variety of quick “checks for understanding” as part of instructional methodology.
- Identifying topics or sections in a selected course where inserting a quick “check for understanding” would be useful.
- Charting the strengths and deltas of Level 1 forms employed in training at this agency.
- Reviewing the resource packet provided to access suggested "tips" when developing Level II instrument items for a given course.
- Adapting strategies learned and writing one Level II item for a current course.
- Articulating the links between evaluation, the needs assessment, the course design, and Transfer of Training.
Course Code