Advanced Facilitation for Wraparound

Wraparound facilitators have unique and challenging responsibilities beyond that of traditional social service or mental health providers. Effective facilitators understand reliable CASE MANAGEMENT allows other child and family team members to provide necessary interventions and services to meet family needs. In times of crisis, LEADERSHIP qualities employed by facilitators can create inspiration and instill hope in child and family teams. Finally, fidelity to the core values and STEWARDSHIP to the Wraparound philosophy supports a facilitator's ability to make sound decisions with use of flex funds, development of child and family teams, and collaborative work with community partners.

In this course, participants will examine and discuss three of the core skill sets pertinent to effective facilitation of Wraparound teams:

  • Case management priorities
  • Leadership
  • Knowledge and stewardship of Wraparound philosophy and program requirements

Note: Participants should have at least one year of experience as a facilitator prior to taking this course.

Course Code