Adult and Aging: Loneliness and Social Isolation

This workshop will focus on assessing loneliness behaviors among the elderly. Loneliness affects millions of Americans either acutely or chronically. Researchers state that the people most in need of help and resources were the hardest to reach because of the degree of their disconnectedness, according to the findings of a current study by Hyun-Jun Kim et al (2017). During this workshop, the instructor will highlight the impact of the current impacts on loneliness, depression and isolation on older adults along with techniques to adequately assess and identify the appropriate services to assist in reducing negative outcomes for our aging population. Both social isolation and loneliness are associated with increased mortality. Depression, substance abuse, and social isolation are the three of the most important risk factors for older adult suicide.

Participants will:

  • Identify the scope of the problem regarding loneliness and social isolation among older adults
  • Acknowledge the impact on loneliness among the racially diverse older adult population
  • Recognize the unique needs of the older LGBT population
  • Explore the relationship of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicide ideation, bereavement and loneliness
  • Integrate the results of empirical studies on loneliness into the social services
  • Increase skills related to interventions to reduce loneliness and social isolation
Course Code